We Gather Together to Worship Our God
Gathering Hymn: Hymnal #439 Christ Shall Have Dominion
- 9:00 Sunday School for all ages. Pre-k – 7th meet downstairs, the High School class meets in the Fireside Room, and the Adult Class meets in the Sanctuary.
- 10:30 Worship in the sanctuary.
This Week:
- 6:00 pm, Monday, Deacon meeting.
- 4:30 pm, Wednesday, Music Practice.
- 5:00 pm, Wednesday, Son Light Puppeteer practice.
- 5:30 pm, Wednesday, Kids’ Quest for grades pre-k-4th and the Middle School Youth for grades 5th-7th begin. Meal provided.
- 6:15 pm, Wednesday, High School Youth Group at the Community Center for grades 8th-12th. Meal provided.
- 6:15 pm, Wednesday, “The Study of Eschatology”
- 6 am, Thursday, Men’s Prayer-time and Bible Study.
- 6:00 pm, Thursday, Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University class. Contact Tanse & Tonya H. if you have any questions.
- 8 am, Saturday, Men’s Prayer-time and Bible Study.
- 5:30 pm, March 10th, “Who Is the Holy Spirit?” community groups at the church. We will enjoy a fellowship potluck together and sing as a large group. Then we will break into smaller groups for study and prayer.
- 6:00 pm, March 10th, Piedmont Area “Who Is the Holy Spirit?” community group (address in bulletin).
- 6:00 pm, March 11th, Session Meeting.
- 6:00 pm, March 15th, Men’s Evening.
- March 17th, we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper.
- 6:30 pm, March 18th, Mercy Ministry Team meeting at the church. Please contact Daniel B. with any questions. Thank you!
- 6:30 pm, March 21st, Women’s Fellowship.
- 9 am – noon, March 23rd, ladies please stop by Daniel and Sarah’s home (address in the bulletin) for an open-house style baby shower. If you would like to participate in a group gift or help with refreshments, please see Kayla H.
- 5:30 pm, March 24th, Young Adult Bible Study at Jay and Kayla’s. (Address in bulletin) Meal provided.
- 7:00 pm, March 29th, Good Friday Service.
- March 31st, there will be no Sunday School.
- 9 am- 10 am, March 31st (Easter Sunday), the youth will be serving a pancake breakfast as a fundraiser for their trip to the Creation Museum/Ark in August.
- 8:45 am, April 5th, MOPS meets at the church.
- 9 am – noon, June 3rd-6th, Vacation Bible School for ages pre-k –7th! Please register ahead of time.
- Several families have expressed an interest in their children becoming communicant members at Foothills. If you believe your child is ready to profess their faith in Christ and become a communing member at Foothills, please let Pastor Jeff or the church office know so we can make preparations to begin a new class.
- Love INC’s 3rd Annual Hope & Love Banquet is Saturday, March 23rd, at the Sturgis Armory. Doors open at 5 pm; the dinner and dessert auction at 6-8 pm. Tickets cost $45 each or a table of 8 at $360. You may call 605-718-5683 with any questions. To purchase tickets, use the QR code found in the newsletter.
A Moment for Ministry: Hosting Presbytery
Responsive Call to Worship: 1 Chronicles 16: 8 – 11, 25 – 29
Leader: Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done.
All: Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.
Leader: Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.
All: For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods. Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy are in his dwelling place.
Leader: Ascribe to the Lord, all you families of nations, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
All: Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come before him. Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.
Prayer of Adoration
Hymn of Praise: Hymnal #170 Fairest Lord Jesus
We Confess Our Faith
Responsive Reading: Heidelberg Catechism Questions 31 and 32
Leader: Why is Jesus called “Christ,” meaning “anointed”?
All: Because he has been ordained by God the Father and has been anointed with the Holy Spirit to be our chief prophet and teacher who fully reveals to us the secret counsel and will of God concerning our deliverance; our only high priest who has delivered us by the one sacrifice of his body, and who continually pleads our cause with the Father; and our eternal king who governs us by his Word and Spirit, and who guards us and keeps us in the freedom he has won for us.
Leader: Why are you called a Christian?
All: Because by faith I am a member of Christ and so I share in his anointing. I am anointed to confess his name, to present myself to him as a living sacrifice of thanks, to strive with a free conscience against sin and the devil in this life, and afterward to reign with Christ over all creation for eternity.
We Confess Our Sin
Call to Confession: Adapted from the Valley of Vision—The Servant in Battle
All: O LORD, I bless you that the issue of the battle between yourself and Satan has never been uncertain, and will end in victory. Calvary broke the dragon’s head, and I contend with a vanquished foe, who even with all his subtlety and strength has already been overcome. When I feel the serpent at my heel may I remember him whose heel was bruised, but who, when bruised, broke the devil’s head.
Silent Confession of Sin
Corporate Prayer of Confession: Adapted from the Valley of Vision—The Servant in Battle
All: Heal me Emmanuel from Satan’s blows. If I have gathered defilement, if my faith has suffered damage, if my hope is less than bright, if my love is not fervent, if pleasure and comfort occupy my heart, if my soul sinks in despair under pressure of the fight, heal me and renew me that I may rise again to engage the battle and never tire until my enemy is crushed. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon: Adapted from the Valley of Vision—The Servant in Battle
All: Let me drink from the eternal fountain that lies in your unchanging, everlasting love and decree. Then shall my hand never weaken, my feet never stumble, my sword never rest, my shield never rust, my helmet never shatter, my breastplate never fall, as my strength rests in the power of thy might. Amen.
Hymn of Assurance: Songs of Faith #4 The Love of God
We Give Thanks To The Lord
Receiving Baptism by Profession of Faith: Roberta M.
Hymn of Response: Heaven Came Down
Tithes and Offerings
We Hear God Speak
Small Talk
(Following this time, a nursery is available, Toddlers’ Church for ages 2-4, and Children’s Church for ages 5-8.)
Prayer of God’s People
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
The Aim of Ministry Romans 15: 17 – 22
A copy of the sermon notes is available: 3-3-24 sermon notes
Audio Only:
Hymn of Response: Facing A Task Unfinished
We Are Dismissed with God’s Blessing
Hymn: Take the Name of Jesus With You (verses 1, 4)