Main Content
Worshiping the God of Grace
Sharing the Grace of Christ
Equipping with the Grace of the Spirit
→Click here for access to Livestream Then select the Youtube video that is live.
Thank you for visiting our website. We know if you are here that you are probably looking for something. Maybe you are new to the area and looking for a new church. If so, we hope that this website will help to answer questions that you may have and give you just a taste of who we are, how we worship, and what ministries we are engaged in. Maybe you are in a difficult season of life and looking for answers to questions. Maybe you are looking for resources to help you grow in your faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Whatever you are searching for, we hope that this website will bless you with helpful information that will point you to a deeper relationship with Jesus.
Latest Sermon
Killing the Dragon of Self
Join us for worship this Sunday morning!
9:00 Sunday School for all ages
10:30 Worship
Click here for access to Livestream Then select the Youtube video that is live.