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Join us on September 15th and 16th for a women’s retreat! It will be a wonderful time of fellowship, praise, worship, and more while focusing on flourishing in our relationship with the Lord. Plan on bringing a friend and enjoy time to grow closer to God and those attending.
The title of the seminar is ‘Flourishing in the Courts of Our God’ and is based on Psalm 92. The speaker will be Meaghan May. Meaghan May currently serves under the Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM) as the Elders’ Wives Liaison for the Presbyterian Church in America. She is a trainer with Parakaleo—a ministry for church planting wives–and the Women’s Ministry Director at Covenant Church of Naples. She is a speaker, writes articles for enCourage, and has been featured on a couple of podcasts.
Friday, September 15th
5:30pm-6:00pm: Sign In/Welcome
6:00pm-6:15pm: Welcome/Announcements/Opening Prayer
6:15pm-7:00pm: Food and Fellowship
7:00pm-8:30pm: Session 1 “Sabbath Rest”
Saturday, September 16th
8:15am-9:00am: Breakfast
9:00am-10:15am: Session 2 “Rooted in Praise”
10:15am-10:30am: Break
10:30am-11:45am: Session 2 (cont’d)
11:45am-12:45pm: Lunch in Fellowship Hall
12:45pm-2:00pm: Session 3 “Planted in the Lord’s Promises”
2:00pm-2:15pm: Break
2:15pm-3:30pm: Session 3 (cont’d)
3:30pm: Closing Remarks/Prayer