Foothills Community Church, PCA in Sturgis, SD came into existence as a result of deep conviction that the truths of the Reformation were and are indeed true! We were a small group of five men who constituted the leadership of another church in the early 1990’s. Our pastor at the time had been reading and studying the magisterial Reformers of old, and had begun preaching in accordance. Ultimately this led, necessarily to his leaving that particular denomination, pursuing seminary training, and re-entering ministry as a Teaching Elder of the PCA! This left us with the conviction that we five were no longer Arminian, but Reformed! We were set adrift in a little town which had no real Reformed presence.
We met in homes and eventually in a chapel at the nearby Veterans Administration facility near town. A dear friend and TE from Colorado Springs (Louis Hill) began regular trips to Sturgis to systematically teach through the Westminster Confession of Faith. In addition, we studied and discussed other confessions such as the Belgic, the Heidelberg, and the Canons of Dordt.
1995 was a singular year. A small, old church building which had laid vacant for years came up for sale. It had been the home of a Latin Mass Catholic Church! Well…the Reformation came to Sturgis! We secured a loan and bought the church and adjacent land. Foothills Community Church was born!
We wrestled with whether we should remain independent or should affiliate with a denomination. Obviously, the latter prevailed. Under the guidance of Chaplain David Peterson, a Teaching Elder in the PCA, we were introduced to the Siouxlands Presbytery and became a Mission Church of the PCA! Chaplain Peterson was named as Evangelist to our little church.
We underwent eldership training and the five of us were ordained March 29, 1998. We became a Particular Church of the PCA! Our charter membership of about 60 souls (including children) in 1997, largely remained intact to this day with new and transfer members increasing our roles to around 80. Our original five leaders remain to this day.
Our first pastor was a new graduate of Covenant Theological Seminary and served from 1998 to 2001. Another new graduate from 2001 to 2004. Our previous pastor, TE Brian Carpenter, served for 14 years and recently accepted ministry in Nebraska. As of Fall of 2018, we are blessed to have Pastor Jeff Neikirk shepherding our flock.